Friday, August 27, 2010
Happy Friday!!
I hope everyone has a great weekend!!! I'm going to entertain you with an, "About Me" facebook section that I find hilarious. This was written by one of my friends who is hands down, one of the funniest people I know. Enjoy!
Quid quid latine dictum sit, altum ... I think its ironic that girls look so hot in boy shorts... people who pass through a swinging door that is closing and dont help it stay open should be shot... anyone who answers a question with "well, honestly..." makes me doubt how honest they are... wear a belt if you are going to tuck your shirt in... I pay more attention to a professor's habits than I do the lesson... unless its on a girls head, hair grosses me out... supposevly or supposibly- i mean, seriously?!?!?! nothing good has ever come out of dallas... I believe anything is made better by doin it in the rain... I secretly want to knock girls over who drag their feet wearing flip-flops... it pisses me off when people dont erase the chalkboard or whiteboard off completely... usually I only remember the night before after talking about it the morning after getting drunk... whoever the guy was that invented free bread at restaraunts should be given an award... saying no is practically impossible for me... I'd consider marrying a really tall woman just so my kids could play something other than golf... I always miss my family but I usually get sick of them within the first 30 minutes of being around them... if I could be anyone for a day, I would seriously consider justin timberlake... silence is torture... I love random facts like "stewardesses" is the longest word you type using just your left hand... I've always wondered why girls swing their arms when they walk as if it was some kind of contest to see whose could be the most out of control... whats the deal with girls all wearing the exact same kind of running shorts now?... ive written so many essays that I now feel like I use the bigger words that are found in the thesaurus when Im talking rather than the simpler ones- and its uncomfortable... if people's windshield wipers are going too fast for the amount of rain on their window, I have to tell them to turn them down... if you haven't ridden in the back of a cop car as a result of doing something stupid, you need to live a more exciting life... to/too, who/whom, your/you're- learn to use them properly, its not brain science or rocket surgery... if I dont know you and you're a black guy, I'm going to say "what's up bro"... if you're white, its "whats up man"... I don't know why, but thats just the way it is... i feel like people like me better when I'm drunk, which is depressing... I absolutely can not WAIT for the moment I am so pissed about something that I throw all the papers and supplies off my desk... any driving offense is immediately forgiven if you throw up a kind wave... with all five fingers of course... Dant Vulnera Vitam... Im not sure if it's been said before, but I've never heard anyone else say "lets make like Bob Marley and blow this joint"- so in my mind I am the inventor... the old school eye viewer thing on digital cameras and people who use them are completely useless.