Thursday, November 12, 2009

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas

I have wanted a fall wedding for as long as I can remember. I just love the feeling of fall! I love the smells, the clothes, the holidays, time spent with family, the food, football games, festivals...seriously EVERYTHING. Even though I don't even like football, I still love the sound of it. It has some weird type of comforting feeling to me. When I was homesick in college, I used to put on the Rockets game in the background while I studied because the sound comforted me and reminded me of home. Anyway, I am just so in love with fall right now. Today, I am wearing tights, dress, & sweater, and it has made me in such a good mood! Yesterday during lunch, Kortnee and I went to Garden Ridge to look at decorations. Just being in Garden Ridge for an hour completely made both of our days. We picked up a smoothie for lunch, and walked around the Christmas department. Here are a couple of pictures to brighten your day!

Have a happy Thursday!!!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Wishful Wednesday....chores

I wish.......I never had to clean the bathroom ever again.

I love to clean. Ok, maybe not clean, but "clean". I like the way a freshly vaccumed room looks, I love the smell of room spray, and I like lighting candles once the room is "clean". Seriously though, i absolutely HATE cleaning the bathroom. I don't mind the sinks, it's the toilet and tub that I dread. Our tub has been cleaned ONCE since we moved in...and we moved in late August. Please, no judging. Hair makes me gag, and so does water that sits on the side of the tub. When I lived alone, I used to clean my bathroom once a week. Its just the idea of seeing someone else's hair that makes me want to puke. Maybe I need to make some type of deal with Adam. I will do laundry one time every time, if he cleans the bathroom (toilet & tub) once a week. I think that's a fair deal.

On another note, bootcamp is tonight!! Adam has been instructing a bootcamp type exercise class for the past couple of months. I have just now started to regulary attend, and I love it! He does such a good job, and I like watching him teach other people. He is very good at explaining things and motivating his class. Let me know if any of you ever want to come to a class with me! I promise you will be verrrry sore the next day.

Ok...good things for today!
1. It's Veterans Day!!

Please remember to thank a Veteran today. It is their service which has made our country what it is today. THANK YOU!

#2 I am having spinach and mushroom pizza for lunch today!

This is the best lean cuisine meal EVER. I crave pizza all the time and this is a great replacement to my favorite Papa Johns dipped in their garlic butter sauce.

#3 Glee comes back tonight!

In my opinion, this is the best TV show on right now. It is a very fun spirited, upbeat, happy show...even Adam loves it! We have missed it the past couple of weeks (stupid world series)...and it returns tonight!!!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Wishful Wednesdays....

Do you ever have those weeks, months, days where you just want to get away? I could really use a mini vacation right about now (yes...I know I'm going on my honeymoon...I said MINI). If I had one wish would be for Adam and I to be in Wimberly for the rest of the week. This is my "happy place" (besides target), and I would love to be there right now.

Isnt it wonderful? The picture in the middle is Cypress Creek pancakes in the world. Maybe my boss will let me go if I ask sweetly :)


1.) Big Bird is on google today and it made me really happy

2.) Adam and I are eating Mission Burrito tonight and its our favorite. They have a special for $5 on Monday, Tuesday, & Wednesday. We ate this on Sunday, so we had to wait until today to go back. We get the burrito bowl with chicken, beef, rice, beans, veggies, chipotle ranch, cheese, & tortilla strips. My mouth is watering just thinking about it!!

#3.) Adam got a 99.8% on his Statistics class!!!!!!!!!! I'm so so proud of him :)

Monday, November 2, 2009

Weekend Recap

Happy Monday! Only 4 more days left of the work week! Important things first...Adam and I are now proud owners of a Marriage License! We went to the court house today and are now legally able to get married! It felt weird seeing Mr. & Mrs. Adam Wade Lanier at the bottom of the page....Adam likes to point out that it has HIS name on it, and not mine :) Ok. so for the weekend recap with pictures!

We had such a good weekend!! Friday night, we attended a costume party at a friend's house. I was an 80's girl...and Adam was a barber :) He is so cute and creative.

Saturday, we went to the Wings Over Houston Air show. It was probably one of the cooles things I have ever seen. The Blue Angels flew at the very end and it was sooooo so amazing. Adam refused to take pictures with the pilots, he is too cool for that.

Saturday night we spent time at Kortnee's house, had a BBQ in the front yard and handed out candy to trick or treaters! Since when do kids trick-or-treat by riding down the street in a car??? When we were little, we used to walk down the streets in neighborhood and trikc or treat, not ride around in cars from house to lazy!

Sunday we spent the day being lazy. Even with an extra hour of sleep (daylight savings), we both felt so lethargic all day. All in all, we had a very busy, but very good weekend.

Cheers to Monday being over, and to less than 3 weeks till the wedding!