Sunday, August 21, 2011

New Beginnings

I get frustrated with myself when I don't make time to write. It's not that I lack the desire to write my thoughts's that my thoughts have been all over the place lately. I don't even know where to begin, so I will begin here...

"God, grant me the serenity to accept that which I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference".

Whether or not you consider yourself to be a religious person, I feel as though this prayer relates to so many people in all facets of their lives. I often think of these words when I find myself in a difficult, or painful situation. I read the words that are contained within this prayer, and interpret them to fit my own life struggles.

"Grant me the serenity to accept that which I cannot change". Life sometimes sucks. I lost my Dad to cancer in my twenties. My children will never know my father, and the love that he already had for them. I will never be able to hug my Dad again, or kiss him goodnight. My heart aches every time I pick of the phone to call him. This feeling sucks. The loss of my Dad, is something that I have no control over. I lack all power in this situation. The only power that I do have, is the way in which I deal with my loss on a daily basis. We cannot halt death, we cannot speed up time, and we cannot erase the past. We therefore need the serenity and the strength, to accept these things in life which we have no control.

"Grant me the courage to change the things I can". In life we have choices. We ultimately carry our own key to happiness. We have the ability to control the way we handle ourselves in situations, and we also contain the ability to control the way in which we allow others to handle us. I was once reminded of the quote by Eleanor Roosevelt, "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent". It was not until recently that I experienced the true meaning of these words. We hold the power to our hearts, and we hold the power of our minds. We have the ability to choose who we let in our lives, and who we let go. We choose who we give our heart to. We have the power to make ourselves happy. If you're unhappy with your job, leave. If you are in a relationship in which you feel worthless, get out. If you are in a friendship that is filled with deceit and hurt, don't ever look back. These are things in which we have control of. In my personal life, I recently made a career move. I was anxious in the beginning considering my own "comfort zone", as well as the fact that this was the first major decision I ever made without my Dad's help. After walking out on my last day of this company, I have not once regretted that decision. I am amazed at the positive implications that a change in atmosphere, and overall morale, has had on my happiness. Life is too short to be unhappy. Take hold of all areas of life that you possess the ability to control.

"Grant me the wisdom to know the difference between that which I have control, and that which I do not". People get sick, and people die. Every person will lose someone that they love at some point in their life. Others will talk bad about you. More than likely, we will all get our hearts broken at least once before realizing that life does go on. Friends will betray you. Ugly words will be spoken about you, and perhaps by you. Most often than not, we will bury our parents. We will make decisions which are hard to make, but which were actually right for us in the end. Point being....this is life. The good, the bad, and the ugly. This prayer provides me with guidance, on how to face my own life with strength and with class. I try my best to take control of areas in my life which I can control, and accept the other areas to the best of my ability.

With that being said.....cheers to new beginnings....cheers to surrounding yourself with those who care about your well being, those who make you happy. We've got one shot at this life...take advantage of it.

Bailey Ann